Joe Biden

Statement on National Security Risks to the United States Automobile Industry

February 29, 2024

American automakers and autoworkers are the best in the world. The iconic Big Three and American autoworkers are leading the world in quality and innovation. A dynamic auto industry is vital to the U.S. economy.

China is determined to dominate the future of the auto market, including by using unfair practices. China's policies could flood our market with its vehicles, posing risks to our national security. I'm not going to let that happen on my watch.

Most cars these days are "connected"; they are like smartphones on wheels. These cars are connected to our phones, to navigation systems, to critical infrastructure, and to the companies that made them. Connected vehicles from China could collect sensitive data about our citizens and our infrastructure and send this data back to the People's Republic of China. These vehicles could be remotely accessed or disabled.

China imposes restrictions on American autos and other foreign autos operating in China. Why should connected vehicles from China be allowed to operate in our country without safeguards?

So today I am announcing unprecedented actions to ensure that cars on U.S. roads from countries of concern like China do not undermine our national security. I have directed my Secretary of Commerce to conduct an investigation into connected vehicles with technology from countries of concern and to take action to respond to the risks.

As President, I vowed to do right by autoworkers and middle class families that depend on the auto industry for jobs. With this and other actions, we're going to make sure the future of the auto industry will be made here in America with American workers.

Joseph R. Biden, Statement on National Security Risks to the United States Automobile Industry Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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