Portrait of Ron DeSantis

DeSantis Campaign Press Release - ICYMI: Ron DeSantis: Bidenomics means "Everybody pays more for basic staples of life... The average working person knows, it's harder to make ends meet under Joe Biden as president."

June 28, 2023

In an interview on Fox News Channel this afternoon, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis told The Story host Martha MacCallum that Bidenomics means "Everybody pays more for basic staples of life." The interview follows the release of a memo by the DeSantis campaign today setting the record straight on Biden's failing economy.

Watch the clip here.

GOVERNOR DESANTIS: "I can tell you what Bidenomics is, Martha. It is everybody pays more for basic staples of life. People are paying way more for groceries, they're paying way more for other necessities like utilities... the cost of buying a new home has gone up dramatically because all the materials have gone up.

In Florida, we're responsible for a lot of these jobs because we've defied his [Biden's] policies. We had our state open, we have low taxes, we have a very strong regulatory climate favorable for businesses. So, you have seen us grow, you've seen other red states grow. Most of those jobs he's talking about are jobs that came back after the COVID lockdowns. They weren't necessarily over and above what a normal economy would do.

*He is wrong on energy. His vision to not have domestic energy production is going to lead to the average family paying more for energy. It's going to make them poorer. If you think about it, he's talking about global warming, all this stuff, China builds a new coal-fired plant like every week. What is the administration doing and their allies in state and local governments? They're trying to stop coal-fired pizza shops from being able to operate in New York City. *I think they have all of this backwards, and I think at the end of the day, the average working person knows, it's harder to make ends meet under Joe Biden as president."

Ron DeSantis, DeSantis Campaign Press Release - ICYMI: Ron DeSantis: Bidenomics means "Everybody pays more for basic staples of life... The average working person knows, it's harder to make ends meet under Joe Biden as president." Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/364207

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